
Use Univest Referral code to get ₹50 on first order

Univest is an investment ecosystem designed to solve your daily stock investment needs to make this journey simple, easy and all the more rewarding. Track your portfolio, stay connected with your friends and invest wisely. Join the community and become a trading all star ⭐

Univest Referral Offer

Univest Referral Code LAXM7681
Referral Bonus ₹50
Offer Validity First time user

Why invest with Univest?
✔ Average returns of up to 11%
✔ Paperless KYC and verification
✔ 100% transparent and easy to use.

Where to Apply Univest Referral code?
1. Download the Univest App
2. Now open the app and sign up for a new account
3. Verify Your Mobile Number with OTP
4. Enter your Name and email address
5. Enter Univest Referral code:
6. Complete your Signup Process
7. You will get ₹50 on your first order

Univest trading app referral code,Univest Referral Code,Univest refer and earn

What is Univest refer and earn
1. Click on 'Refer and Earn' Option.
2. Copy your referral code from here and share it with your friends on Whatsapp or Facebook
3.You will get upto 10% of your referral earnings

Univest trading app referral code,Univest Referral Code,Univest refer and earn